* Effective January 2, 2024, we will no longer be accepting cash at any of our disposal facilities. All transactions must be credit/debit only.
*CLICK* Permissible Truck Size Notice
Effective August 16, 2021, the following vehicles are NOT allowed at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility:
On August 16, 2021, restrictions regarding the size of the vehicles that are allowed access to the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility located at 1155 Lincoln Ave, Holbrook were implemented. Any vehicles larger than 15 cubic yard capacity cannot utilize this facility. If you are unsure of the cargo capacity of your vehicle, please check with your vehicle manufacturer or calculate the cargo size.
- Vehicles larger than 15 cubic yard capacity (includes roll-on roll-off, dump body and trailers). Please note, vehicles that meet this criteria will be allowed to utilize the Hauppauge Cleanfill with C&D material only. Contaminated loads will NOT be permitted to use the landfill.
- Exception: Flatbed vehicles and box trucks will only be permitted to utilize the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility prior to 11:00 AM.
A simple way to find the cargo capacity of your vehicle is to first calculate the cubic feet of your cargo area (length x width x height). There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard, so to find your cubic yardage, you need to divide the previous number by 27. This will give you the cargo capacity in cubic yards.
For example, to calculate the capacity of a box truck 12ft long, 6ft wide, 5ft high:
12 X 6 X 5 = 360
360 divided by 27 = 13.33 cubic yards
As a point of reference, the cargo capacity of a 12 ft box truck is approximately 13 cubic yards and would be considered permissible. Larger sized vehicles will not be accepted at the MultiPurpose Recycling Facility. The Hauppauge Clean fill located at 440 Blyden burgh Rd, Hauppauge will accept C & D materials only with no size restrictions on vehicles.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility accepts recyclables, hazardous material, and electronics free of charge to Islip residents. Recycling materials collected at residences throughout the Town are sorted and processed at the facility and marketed to the recycling industry to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound and valuable method. The facility also accepts non-recyclable material and household garbage for a fee.
The following materials are not accepted at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility.
Please call a DEC Representative at (631) 595-3630 for proper disposal methods:
- Alkaline Batteries
- Ammunition
- Explosives, Flares & Fireworks
- Fire Extinguishers
- Latex Paint
- Mattresses
- Pharmaceuticals & Syringes
- Radioactive Materials
- Smoke Detectors
- Unlabeled Materials
Current Fee Schedule:*
Construction and Demolition Debris - $140 per ton.*
Please note that the Town will not accept construction and demolition debris during certain periods. Call to confirm.
Residential Rubbish - $95/ton for all Residents and Non-Residents.
The Following is FREE for all Islip Residents:
- E-Waste (electronic waste)
- Waste Oil (not in excess of five (5) gallons)
- Auto/Marine Batteries
- Hazmat Materials
*Fees Subject to Change
Facility Programs:
Need a WRAP Recycling Pail?
If you've recently moved in or just need to replace a damaged or lost recycling pail, please fill out the WRAP Pail request form. Your request will be forwarded to a Department Representative and you will receive a voucher for a new WRAP Recycling pail within 5-7 days. Each residence receiving Town garbage collection services is entitled to one WRAP pail every twelve months.
You may also use a regular garbage pail for recyclable materials, and/or bundle newspapers and magazines to place at the curb. Recyclables in plastic bags are not eligible for collection.

Hazardous Material Disposal & Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (STOP) Day
When in doubt, DON’T THROW IT OUT! Residents participating in the Town’s hazardous material safe disposal program, your household can make a significant contribution to the protection of our precious groundwater supply and the preservation of the Great South Bay. Long Island depends on an underground aquifer system; improper disposal of these items can work its way down into the drinking water supply and contaminate the local waterways. Please join with us in promoting the environmental conservation of the Islip community. Together we can ensure the continued integrity of our ecosystem.
Residents can bring household Hazardous Waste (oil based paint, waste oil under 5 gallons, gasoline under 5 gallons, aerosol cans, pool chemicals, fertilizer, and more) directly to our Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility.
Additionally, the Town offers one Saturday Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (STOP) Day drop-off each spring. For a list of acceptable items and the necessary form to bring with you to the event, visit Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (STOP) Day.
Shredding Day
The Town of Islip offers two free shredding events for all Islip residents on Saturdays in the spring and fall at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility. Shred confidential documents, bank records, medical records, tax bills, and other personal information records. For more information and schedule, please contact a DEC Representative at (631) 595-3630.
Electronic Waste
Residents may also drop off material at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility. Additionally, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requires manufacturers to provide free and convenient recycling of electronic waste.
Waste Oil
The Town will accept waste oil not in excess of five (5) gallons at our Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility. Additionally, every gas station and oil retailer in Suffolk County is required by law to accept automotive waste oil in quantities not to exceed five (5) gallons.
Auto/Marine Batteries
The Town will accept your old battery at no charge at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility. Additionally, New York State requires a $5 deposit on all auto-marine batteries at the point of purchase. For future purchases, when your battery needs replacing, return it for a refund.
Adopt-a-Bike/ Recycle a Bicycle
The Town of Islip Adopt a Bike Program gives residents an opportunity to donate or adopt gently-used bicycles at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Facility. Bike adoption is free to all Islip residents.
Visit the Environmental Control page for more disposal facilities, information, events and programs.
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