April 10th, 2020 – Islip Supervisor Angie Carpenter and all the members of the Town Board, are joining with Suffolk County Towns in requesting an Executive Order to allow residents to pay the second half of their property tax bills up to August 1, without penalty or interest, in response to the financial calamity residents are experiencing due to the COVID-19 public health crisis.
“Numerous residents have contacted our offices inquiring about extending this tax payment date, similar to the extension granted in payment of Federal and State income taxes that has been put in place. As more and more residents lose income during this health and financial crisis, allowing taxpayers additional time to pay their second half taxes can mean the difference between solvency and extreme hardship for so many,” said Islip Supervisor Angie Carpenter.
Second half taxes will still be due on or before May 31. Townships are requesting that taxpayers be allowed to pay up to August 1 without penalty and interest for the second half payment only. Payments made after May 31 would be made to the County as normally done when a taxpayer misses the deadline.
Towns perform the function of collecting property taxes, but cannot issue such an order due to the large number of taxing jurisdictions whose payments are collected by the Towns. Local school districts and other taxing jurisdictions in our Town agree that this extension should be facilitated.
“The Islip Town Board has requested such an executive order to allow our residents this much-needed relief, and hope that our plea is heard,” added the Supervisor.