August 5th, 2020 – The Suffolk County Department of Public Works’ Division of Vector Control plans to treat parts of the following marshes by helicopter to control mosquito larvae. Should weather conditions prevent completion of the work, it will be continued on the next suitable day.
Time and date of the application: August 5th 12pm – 6pm and August 6th 6:00am - 6:00pm
Method of application: Low altitude, granular application
Name of Pesticide: VectoPrime FG [Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) and Altosid (Methoprene)] EPA# 73049-501
Approximate location(s): Locations marked to be rechecked were either flooded today or staff were unable to reach the site due to road access closed off. These locations will be rechecked and treated as needed tomorrow.
Approximate Town of Islip location(s):
Marshes that will be treated are marked “Yes”Marshes marked “Recheck” will be rechecked tomorrow and only treated if needed

The products used by Vector Control are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and are applied in accordance with the required state and federal permits.
No precautions are recommended to prepare for this spraying, as the helicopter will be flying at a very low level over marsh areas and taking other precautions to control drift into inhabited areas. Human exposure from this operation is unlikely and the products involved have no significant human toxicity.
For current and future notices and/or further information:
- Suffolk County Division of Vector Control 631-852-4270
- Vector Control and Wetlands Management Long-Term Plan