October 3rd, 2022 – The Town of Islip in partnership with the Town of Babylon and Northwell Health kicked-off the Pink By the Bay Breast Cancer Awareness campaign by lighting the Town Hall Cupolas Pink.
Throughout October, Northwell Health and Breast Cancer Coalitions in the community will host free mammogram screenings and provide educational materials. While breast cancer mainly affects women, men especially over age 60, should know the signs and symptoms, as they are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Pink by the Bay not only aims to educate the community, but also seeks to involve local businesses. Shop owners who want to participate will be provided supplies by Northwell and are asked to decorate their store fronts. At the end of the month, businesses that participate are eligible to win a pair of 2023 Jones Beach concert tickets. To register and learn more, please visit: www.facebook.com/Pinkbythebay